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Working in the area of food and health, this department researches into functional products (in particular per- and probiotics), the microbiota of the gut, and its influence on human health. The department aims to understand the mechanisms of the interactions between functional foods and our bodies with the goal of producing new foods appropriate for particular human populations.

The final goal of the IPLA is the development of health-promoting foods of high sensorial quality based on the use of microorganisms with appropriate technological properties, which can be transferred to industry.

Probiotics and Prebiotics Group
Dra. Clara González

Functional Dairy Cultures Group
Dr. Baltasar Mayo

Dra. Ana Belén Florez

Functionality and Ecology of Beneficial Microbes (MicroHealth)

Dr. Abelardo Margolles
Dra. Patricia Ruas Madiedo (Head of Department)
Dra. Susana Delgado Palacio

The microbiota, food and health
Dr. Miguel Gueimonde